I regrettably need to make this post. I was just made aware that someone out there is claiming to be Taylor's mom and asking for a "free" puppy to give to Taylor. This is NOT true. If you ever have someone contact you claiming to be one of us, and asking for money or free stuff, please decline and let us know. We are not asking for anything, we were able to complete Taylor's wish list when we received a devastating prognosis in September 2010. Since that time we received a miracle, which I know we strongly believe is related to all of you who sent prayers, hopes and wishes for Taylor. Taylor has been clear for quite some time, so there is no reason that anyone should be requesting money, or free items for Taylor!
My request for Taylor is only that you continue your prayers, wishes and hopes for her, we need to keep her clear. She is now on a 6 month MRI schedule, which is a blessing. Thank you all for the support you have given us, it IS what kept us going in our darkest times, it kept a light for us to reach for when it sometimes felt like we might be overcome, you helped us keep HOPE alive.
Taylor looooves to swing! |
Taylor is not just a slurpee monster, but an ice cream monster too
Taylor now can ride a bike, she can skate too! |
Taylor's Auntie Leah
she is still as gorgeous as ever, and has hair.LOL Though she's beautiful without too.
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