Well, Taylor and I left the hospital on Thursday and Taylor wasn't feeling great, but we really wanted to get out of there. She is doing much better now, eating up a storm and not tossing her cookies anymore. Her hearing test came back normal, so that's good. Regarding her Kidney test, it came back at 76, but that doesn't mean that her kidneys are only working 76% - it just means that the stuff they injected into her for the test didn't all clear in the 3 hour window - but there are alot of contributing factors...so they are still discussing how reliable these kidney tests are for her - as they didn't do a base line before chemo started...that could just be her norm...nothing to be worried about. All her bloodwork shows that her kidneys are just fine.
We had a great extra long weekend. Landon, his dad and his uncle Jim came over on Saturday and started to put our house back together - they got about half of the cedar up on the ceiling, which looks awesome! Taylor and I stayed at my moms, helped my sister host a baby shower on Saturday for my cousin Kristen and her sweet little baby Damien, and Leah and I went out on Saturday night for some girl time. I had 3 drinks and was feeling quite tipsy, so Leah took me home :)
Taylor has started scooting on her bum around the house, and likes pushing herself around backwards on the hardwood...it's amazing how fast they can travel. I posted some new pictures on Facebook and on the website for everyone.
We have Taylor's MRI on Friday May 22nd and if her blood counts are good, we will be going in for chemo again next Wednesday.
I hope everyone had a nice break over May Long, and hopefully all your gardens will bounce back after this lovely snowy weather.
Take care,
Mindy, Landon & Taylor