Friday, October 31, 2008

Another Date Night

Hi it is time for another update. 

Mindy went to the doctor today and all is well. Mindy looks healthy. Landon and Mindy will try again tomorrow for a date night so grandma Josie will be going out to look after Taylor.

Landon will be leaving this upcoming Wednesday for working in Ponoka, which is the same day Taylor has her second round of chemo. So hopefully all will be smooth. Taylor and Mindy will probably be in the hospital for a few days, depending on how Taylor does. I would like if everyone had a chance to go on Facebook and read my brothers write up on Mindy and LAndon. It is beautiful. You need to go on the Facebook's group "Pennies for Taylor, look at the discussions.

 I will try and get on soon with more info. but I am exhausted and need sleep. Have a great Halloween

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